India, second most populous country in the world has tremendous scope to convert prospective conmmer to potential one. In the era o[ globalization and liberalization the shi[t [rom a local to a global economic paradigm had enlarged the role o[consumers which may not be neglecte d in these global economies in India.
Bangladesh Records World’s First HMPV Death: An Urgent Appeal for Health System Readiness in Low-Income Nations
HMPV Virus and China: Debunking Myths and Misinformation
The Role of Safe Homes in Integrating Children of Sex Workers into Mainstream Society: A Qualitative Study
Assessing the Effectiveness of Community Clinics in Maternal and Child Nutrition in Sylhet and Chattogram Divisions, Bangladesh
How USAID Budget Cuts Threaten Global Health System
Impact of Television Reportage of Climate Change on Adaptive Behaviour of the Residents in Ondo state, Nigeria
Role of NGOs in Enhancing Community Resilience: A Study on Three Climate Hotspots in Bangladesh
Food Choices of Gen-Z University Students in Bangladesh
Dengue Fever: A Persistent Public Health Challenge in Bangladesh
Nurse’s Knowledge and Practice Regarding Care of Head Injury Patients at a Selected Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh