Paper Title
Role of NGOs in Enhancing Community Resilience: A Study on Three Climate Hotspots in Bangladesh
Md. Mafizur Rahman, Md. Khaled Sifullah, Md. Salman Sohel
This study aimed to explore the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in enhancing community resilience in three climate hotspots in Bangladesh. The study adopted a qualitative interpretive phenomenological research approach in which the data were analyzed using NVivo- 12 software and the Granheim approach by thematic design. However, we chose the purposive sampling technique in this study and conducted 60 face-to-face in-depth interviews, 3 FGDs, and 11 KIIs with participant’s observation. The study found that NGOs played a crucial role in promoting access to social and economic opportunities, capacity development on climate action and disaster preparedness, and access to information. Sustainability issues and sustainable activities were also identified as critical areas where NGOs contributed to enhancing community resilience. A strong foundation of community-based organizations (CBOs) was necessary for effective NGO interventions. Furthermore, the study revealed that NGOs facilitated access to rights and fostered income-generating activities (IGAs) through market linkage, which enabled communities to adapt to changing climate conditions. NGOs played a crucial role in promoting the adoption of technology for climate adaptation, as well as nurturing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) enterprises. The findings could inform the development of effective policies and strategies to enhance community resilience in Bangladesh and other vulnerable areas. The findings of this study have significant policy implications for enhancing community resilience in vulnerable areas of Bangladesh. Policymakers should recognize and support the critical role of NGOs in enhancing community resilience and allocate adequate resources for their interventions.
GO-NGO, Climate Change, Community Resilience, Coastal Area, Riverine (Char) Area, Bangladesh