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Ready to submit? Start a new submission or continue a submission in progress

Submit your manuscript
Submission Guideline
Step-1: Before you submit

- Registration and Submission of Manuscript

The authors need to complete registration before submitting their manuscripts. Once the registration is completed, the manuscript can be submitted after login to the journal system. An acknowledgement will be sent to the first/corresponding author from the system admin.

- Scope of Research

Make sure you are submitting to the most suitable journal - The Journal of Science and Technology publishes high-quality, scholarly research papers, methodologies and case studies covering a broad range of topics:-

- Fees and Funding

There have no cost to publish journal.

Step-2: Ready to submit

- Prepare your manuscript

Manuscripts must be written in English using the Ms Word or LaTeX text processing system. The Journal of Science and Technology Style Guide must be followed for formatting manuscripts. Only PDF files can be submitted. It is the responsibility of the authors to provide a submission in the appropriate format, paying very close attention to the style instructions. Manuscripts not meeting the formal requirements will be returned to the authors immediately. Journal of Science and Technology has no resources to help authors with conversions from other typesetting environments. However, more important for the review times incurred might be that the manuscript is carefully written exhibiting high readability.

All figures, tables, and other output presented in the manuscript must be fully and exactly reproducible on at least one platform. Please indicate any platform dependencies with the submission. Make sure to initialize the generator for pseudo random numbers if the results rely on some form of simulation. Typically, reproducibility is demonstrated by a standalone replication script. As a rough guideline, anybody with sufficient technical background should be able to install the software and to run the replication material within reasonable time.

- Prepare supporting information

Make sure your submission is complete -